It’s All Good

From Beginning to End “It’s all good”
The holidays are almost here, and the year is coming to an end and it’s all good. This year I found myself looking back and thinking about the many fun Christmas’ that we have celebrated. One of my favorites was the year that I channeled my inner Martha Stewart’s “The 12 days of Christmas”. From the partridge in a pear tree door wreath, the five golden rings hanging from the dining room light to the seven swan cookies served with ice cream I was possessed by Martha. Guess what I didn’t turn into the Grinch, it’s all good.
These days with our daughters and grandchildren in different states Christmas is a little simpler. I am channeling my inner me. From simpler decorations to what my husband and I really want to cook and eat, it is just more relaxing. I am sure phone calls will happen and I am pretty sure the smoke alarm will go off at least once but, none the less, “It will all be good”.
Join Me for 2024
This year is drawing to a close and I would like to invite you to join me every week as I share 52 weeks of gardening in miniature on my blog the Life of a Gardner. I promise 52 magically different gardening posts throughout the year. Please join me as I share project ideas and gardening challenges.
Think of this as your chance to peak into my diary (gardening journal). I am the oldest of 5 kids. The thought of me keeping an actual diary makes me paranoid, because it has the potential for black mail from my siblings. As a result, a garden journal sounds so much safer. At least until the garden fairies, trolls and Mother Nature decide to join the party.
Join me each week. Maybe even think of starting your own gardening journal. Your questions, suggestions and yes solutions are welcome. In the mean time check out my Instagram, Facebook and Store Pages. I wish you a happy Holiday and I will see you in 2024.